Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Thursday - My online date!

How in the world is it Thursday AGAIN??? They keep whipping right by me. And these last couple days have been a doozy because I've been sick & coughing non-stop. I've come to realize that I'm not sickly but I sure am sick often.

So here is a video that I sent to my friends last year (or was it 2 yrs ago?) and told them "I just met this guy online...Here is his video. I really like him. What do you think?" All my friends knew it was a joke...except for ONE. Who emailed me back and said, "Well, he seems nice. I bet you'll have a lot of stories for me." Oh dear. I realize I'm OLD & SINGLE. But even I have my limits.


  1. ha ha it!!

    and for a second i thought that might have been me...glad it wasnt.

  2. Cute, but he's no match for my Vipor...

  3. OMG Stac. I thought it was Bethany being funny writing something in Japanese. So I got out the translator to see what she said. Nope, it wasn't her. Dirty, Dirty. Only you would pick up on that. I wonder if SebJourneys Part Deux wouldn've gotten that.
