Monday, July 6, 2009

Odyssey & Bachelorette Greatness


  1. I say you brought your A game. I love the Bachelorette talks but you need to give me a bit more details so I know who is still in.

    So when are you getting the Odessy?

    BTW- I was watching this and everyone thought we were skyping. When I paused it they laughed and thought you were just talking away not letting me get a word in. I told them that is usually how we skype :) I was told by someone who is staying with me " Some people can vlog, and some can't. That girl really can. She is funny" I'll introduce you if you'd like. I'm a matchmaker that way...

  2. Odyssey - already purchased. I'm going to Petland today to get the "my dog is smarter than your dog" bumper sticker.

    Wes is out. Reid, Kiptyn & Ed are in.

    Yes, that IS how we skype. This should come as a shock to no one. I have much to say. MUCH.

  3. dude. we'll take your accord. :)

    we love our dose of leslie... keep vlogging, my friend. xxoo!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. okay - only watched half of this so far..but favorite line so far, and I quote "nothing says my eggs are dying like driving around in a mini van" :-)

